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+ 2
Hmm. Gosh I'm so confused. Last year everybody hates Miley but now the haters loved her again. Maybe my speech worked. I think. Well miley and nick still friends cuz in E! News said that they went to a jet boat trip and went to a little picnic. I still can't beleive that noah(miley's little sis) hates the jo bros cuz of the break up part. Oops I just made a speech again. Tehehehe.
+ 4
Why Does People Love The Twilight? Is It Because A Guy(Robert Pattinson) Is Hot? I Do Not Like Robert Pattinson When I Start Watching New Moon. And Twilight The Movie Is So Boring (No Offence But Its True). I Only Like Ashley Greene In The Whole Twilght Cast. Kristen Stewart Looks Like A Drug Addict. Book Of Twilight Series Is Much Better Than The Movie! I Like The Song And The Band! But I Hate Twilight!
+ 2
Wow! This song is awesome! And Miley Rockz! I really know all the lyris of Miley's song! This is my fave song I ever heard of! But not that I care. Because I'm Dontcare! I'm just joking But I'm still her number one fun! I love Miley Cyrus so much! And by the way banna1997 I think you didn't read the lyrics and well patukling is right! And Miley still rockz!
- -2
Hi Miley My name is kaye I'm a filipino I'm 10 yrs old and believe me I'm dead. I'm Serious. And Nobody knows I dead and I know I can keep a secret a pop star like you because you use to be hannah montana. Nobody ever gonna find me here in this cold small shelter and please Miley send this to everyone please I need everyone's help to find my old body. If you didn't find it my 1chance being a spirit will be gone please help me help meee ___.
- -1
Hello Vannessa I'm your 1fan, I know everthing about you but believe me I'm dead. Nobody know I'm dead but I only keep this secret to my fave stars like you. And Nobody will never gonna find me here in this cold small shelter. And Please help me to get my old body back if you didn't help me my 1chance being a spirit will be gone. Please help me help me. My name is kaye I'm from philippines I'm 10 years old. My 1chance being a spirit will be gone in June 2009 which is my birthday please help me, help meee ___.
- 0
I Love this song. I know miley sing it after nick jonas break her up. But why miley sing this song to everyone she might love nick jonas. And why everyone talking about what miley did. Miley did a bad thing well that was not a problem miley is already a good girl again I watch in True Hollywood Stories that she got back good attitude. I know everything about her I'm serious.
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