You Don't Even Know lyrics by Walker McGuire - original song full text. Official You Don't Even Know lyrics, 2024 version |
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Walker McGuire – You Don't Even Know lyrics
Woke up to 100 texts
Had my boots on in my bed
And I said never again, again
Hangover hadn't even wore off
By the time my buddy called
Damn dog, what time did you get in?
Heard it was poppin' like a roman candle
You went all Chuck Norris on a bottle of Daniel's
Brought your A-Game last night
Man they said, you had a hell of a time
I said you don't even know

I was on top of the bar, doin shots
Stole the mic from the band
Said can I get a hell yeah
Then I made a move on a girl
She was hot dude we danced nonstop
Yeah you really missed out man
Cause the party was cruzin'
Got the pictures to prove it
But there's only so much fun this phone will show
Naw you don't even know

Just checked my bank account
Hell I bout fell out
Man how am I gonna pay my rent
Must've bought the town rounds
Yeah we were throwin' down
May sound crazy, but I'd do it again
He laughed and said, man you're out of control
I just said bro, you don't even know

I was on top of the bar, doin shots
Stole the mic from the band
Said can I get a hell yeah
Then I made a move on a girl
She was hot dude we danced nonstop
Yeah you really missed out man
Cause the party was cruzin'
Got the pictures to prove it
But there's only so much fun this phone will show
Naw you don't even know
Naw you don't even know

I was on top of the bar doin shots
Stole the mic from the band
Said can I get a hell yeah
Then I made a move on a girl
She was hot dude we danced nonstop
Yeah you really missed out man
Cause the party was cruzin'
Got the pictures to prove it
But there's only so much fun this phone will show
Naw you don't even know
Naw you don't even know

Lyrics taken from /walker_mcguire-you_dont_even_know-1710185.html

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