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- -1
Perfect for halloween, {[(speaking of halloween. Guess what I'm gonna be? A yellowbumblebee!) seriously, if you don't believe me. Come and look! My costume is cool!] this is also my last year of trick or treating so it's late night halloween parties from here on out!} perfect for scares, perfect for anything! I love it and so sad that Michael Jackson died. Wholefudge, thank you for putting that rip for Michael Jackson up on the board. It shows you care. Anyways. Have you heard the top ten most annoying phrases? 1. At the end of the day 2. Fairly unique 3. I personally 4. At this moment in time 5. With all due respect 6. Absolutely 7. It's a nightmare 8. Shouldn't of 9. 24/7 10. It's not rocket science. Pretty funny huh? At the end of the day I will have a fairly unique attitude. I personally think that I'm pretty crabby then. At this moment in time I am on Lyricsmode with all due respect! It's absolutely true! It's A nightmare in this dull life. I shouldn't of said that! Am I stupid like this 24/7? I mean. That question isn't hard. It's not rocket science! Ok. That paragraph was annoying. That's what I personally think! Peace 2 Greece Michael Jackson haters! [It means you have no peace!]
+ 3
I just got done listening to this on my itunes. Right now its Scream. Yes from the hsm3 soundtrack. Its the best! I'm sorry, but this song (Viva La Vida) is so good that I have to listen to it again. Hey, and what I said a long time ago about the 'Christmas bells being annoying', ignore that completely! My song tastebuds have changed. Go coldplay! Eh, aren't they an English band? That's what I thought. He sounds English. Oh well. Oh now the song is I do not hook up by kelly clarkson-In that case! Go kelly!
+ 5
So this is where Billie Jean came from! I always thought that peeps in my skool made it up. I guess mj was the real died. So sad about mj dying. Like to days l8r, billy mays that selled oxi clean died. So sad. Even tho mj was ku, I will always feel sorry and love his music. Sorry, mickleroob, I didn't feel like typing our michael jackson every time I mentioned him, so I just did mj like you!
+ 5
Totally agree pineapplerules! I do listen to this song everyday! Well, almost! I have my radio on 24/7 so every time I walk into my room, I hear it and I dance around! It is addicting and hard to get out after your head after you hear it! As well as I do not hook up. But y is there the word up at the end of it? Because it goes, "Oh, woah, i do not hook." I don't get it? But what do I get? Pizza? Knowledge? Hugs? Jk!
- -4
When I pictured Freddie Mercury, I pictured a guy like Chip Skylark off of The Fairly Odd Parents. Ya. I"M a freak. but i don't care. b cause i did think of Chip Skylark! that was before i saw Freddie Mercury. ok, im 11 got that... every time i make an error in my typing starting at the word "the" i'll leave it so u can see... ready? "The bunny ate my undies so I hit the buunny very hard. It mady him bleed aso I sneezed. Ya. A piece of pue poretey. " see. That's how bad I am! Wanna see it again? "Jeez, how I love to snneeze out pickle juice ono moy sistars buttocks it is funny sepecially when I cut my hcheese and make a funny noise. Hehe.
+ 3
Thanks Etnorbad, that's really good information 4 me because I'm more of an author, not a composer. And that was like one of my first songs ever. So yeah. Thanks! Ps if you think that I already had that song written down or typed on a computer b4 I typed it here. Well ur wrong because I just made up the song as I went along. Sorry. I just wanted my way. Please don't be mad at me.
P!nk – So What
Apr 15, 2009
+ 1
Omg, I had no idea that Bridg101, you totally were bossing me around, and now. Well. You said that if I didn't reply then I would be a p***y. And here it is, 11 days ago I posted that message. And still no reply. Well, everybody that has been on lyrics mode and has commented so what recently, Bridg101 is definetly a p***y! See, just cos I'm young don't mean that I can b mean, 2, and beat an older person at comment boarding! Now that's a skill [that Bridg101 aka pussy] don't have.
P!nk – So What
Apr 4, 2009
+ 2
Well, hello Bridg101, today is the day you happened to be on lyrics mode, and so did I. So what is my comment? Well, I'm younga than you all [Maybe, I don't know] but I don't like being around this type of language so shut your F*G mouth! So, ya like that? If you don't reply in let's see, the max of 10 days, then everybody on lyrics mode, please say that bridg101 is A p***y! He, he, ha, ha! [and if ur wondering where the -1 came from, it came from me, and I made your window minumized! He, he, ha, ha! And I'm guessing that you put the -1 on me too and my window didn't get minumized. So, the maximum number of days is 10, so by april 14TH, there better be somethin' that came outta ur mouth! Sorry some of yall had to hear that, but I gotta defend myself sometimes, bsides, I had an awesome birthday-i got a ipod shuffle and I put pink's so what song on there!
+ 2
This song is sorta like the first day of fourth grade and you see a cute boy / girl. That is just like the story I am making right now called then. It is turning out pretty good. Here's the summary: a girl and a boy meet on the first day of preschool and are immediately attracted to each other. They go through every grade of school in their own side of the story and finally until their at their own age. They just recollect the past and share memories. Of course, sometimes in their relationships, they make love - like all relationships do.
P!nk – So What
Mar 20, 2009
- 0
Well, Impsycosocialsowhat, I can share my opinion if I want! Why should I keep thought to myself? Why can't somebody else (4 example) hollistergirl123 keep her thoughts to herself? Gimme 3 good reasons! Even easier 4 you, 1 good reason! (bsides, I'm only 10, going to b 11 in 3 days so keep ur mouth shut so I can have a good time!) (bsides, I like hollistergirl123's attitude bcos she wants us to have a good day!)
+ 5
Hey banna1997, its perfectly ok 4 her 2 do that. Have you seen the movie hairspray? Well, they had a hairspray b4 that other hairspray they just recently made. Huh, what do you say 2 dat? Anyways, this song is 1000x better than the one in the 80s. I think that the people chose miley 2 do that song bcause she has a higher pitched voice like the girl who made it in the 80s. She just sounds more outgoing and fun. I love her!
+ 9
Dude, this song is way awesome! I love it! Right now it is so popular in our 5th grade school. I love listening to it! It is one of my favorite songs by flo rida! He is so awesome! As well as his songs! Truelies, I'm a ten year old, so close to eleven, and I love singing it! I do know what it means! It is even cooler when my friend sings it bcause I'm a horrible singer! Flo rida is 10x awesomer than me! Maybe 100, 000, 000, 000, 000x. I don't know!
- -9
Hey, mckulit_raichu! Its me, yellowbumblebee! I had no idea you liked this song, 2! We are like, the same in like every single way! That is so weird! Hey, check out I kissed a girl, I wrote down all the songs I have commented on! Besides, what is ur gender? The usernames that are shown don't really tell you what gender you are. But anyways, this song rocks! I'm sorta stuck in some of the newbee songs and the oldie songs. I mean, just bcause a song is old, don't mean that its uncool! I gotta go, chow!
P!nk – Sober
Mar 3, 2009
+ 3
I'm not sure what this song is supposed to mean. Not that it's a bad song cos it's a good song! But I'm really not sure what it's supposed to mean. I'll try to explain what it means to me. It's like this girl is trying to find her personality and shes not sure what it is so she stays away from the 'in crowd' and feels lonely. So like the setting is at a slumber party or something and she doesn't want to share her personality because she's afraid that somebody will make fun of her. So she stays up in the attic or the clouds and watches the other girls and watches them. I don know. That was a stupid meaning. Oh, well, what's not stupid. Not me, of course. I'm stupid!
+ 2
When I first heard this song, I thought that the violin music and piano music mixed was sad so every time it was on the radio, I cried! Now it comes on the radio and I never cry at all! It is such a good song. I like it. It is good. It is fab. It is a song. I hope she gets better soon 2 make a good rock n roll song! That way I don't have to switch stations 2 107. 9 from 102. 9 or 92. 3!
- -1
This song is totally not about s**! I think that it's about a girl that has a boyfriend that can't read her poker face (duh) and her poker face is like her face that is the bad side of her and the boy can't read her face when shes acting bad. In the song, lady gaga does have s** with a boy - which is gross - but lady gaga did kinda pull him over to her b***s so he could have s** - but you can't really have s** unless ur naked - but anyways, poker face is a good song! Everybody rox - especially me - yellowbumblebee - yellowbumblebee rox! So does everybody else! Vote 4 me! Go yellowbumblebee for president! Woohoo!
- 0
I totally agree with Abigail27. Hey Abigail27, did you know that my name is Abigail, 2! Anyways, when I grow up I do want to be famous and a star! I want to be a Pussycat Doll! My friend likes this song almost more than I do and she probably agrees with me that she wants to be famous and a star. We would make a good team for the next generation of the Pussycat Dolls! Just so you know, I'm not a pretty as the Pussycat Dolls- yet. I'm only 11 and in 5th grade.
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