Well, hello Bridg101, today is the day you happened to be on lyrics mode, and so did I. So what is my comment? Well, I'm younga than you all [Maybe, I don't know] but I don't like being around this type of language so shut your F*G mouth! So, ya like that? If you don't reply in let's see, the max of 10 days, then everybody on lyrics mode, please say that bridg101 is A p***y! He, he, ha, ha! [and if ur wondering where the -1 came from, it came from me, and I made your window minumized! He, he, ha, ha! And I'm guessing that you put the -1 on me too and my window didn't get minumized. So, the maximum number of days is 10, so by april 14TH, there better be somethin' that came outta ur mouth!
Sorry some of yall had to hear that, but I gotta defend myself sometimes, bsides, I had an awesome birthday-i got a ipod shuffle and I put pink's so what song on there!