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+ 3
second hand pick me up
And I'm over
Second hand refers to unnatural ways to get a 'pick me up', aka drugs or alcohol. Alex is relating drugs and alcohol to replacing how he could be out living life and being a kid. He's done sitting down and living life the way he's told. He wants to get out there and be young and enjoy himself, to stop dragging his feet and doing what he's told over and over.
+ 4
Dear Maria, count me in
Alex is describing deciding to elope with this girl, Maria. He's done arguing, done resisting, and giving into love.

Maria may refer to the lead character from "The Sound of Music," a nun who left her congregation and instead became a nanny who spread music and fun and caring to a large (laaaarge) group of kids with a missing father.
+ 1
Strange maze
This song was written for the new Disney Alice in Wonderland movie, and this line reflects the hedge mazes that primarily categorize the surreal land that is Alice in Wonderland. The artist is attempting to describe the falling into Wonderland, which can refer to lots of different things (drugs, alcohol, schizophrenia, hallucinations, etc.) and trying to search through it. The maze is often used as a quest for knowledge and truth within ones' self.
+ 23
I think there's two different meanings here. 1. Two people are in a relationship, whether a romantic one or a friendly one or whatever. They're trying to stick together but it's too late, it's too slow, there's nothing left. They want so badly to keep trying and going at it, but they're out of ways to make it better. Words don't work anymore, and the spark's just gone. 2. Death, or illness. When someone you love is sinking away. You keep asking them to say something, to wake up, to stay. But as time goes on, their face is slowly taken from you and your memory. You forget how they smelled and how they felt. You forget their voice, and eventually you forget everything but their name. Your memories are just memories, and there's no more laughter, they cease to exist. The graffiti artist Banksy once said through one of his pieces, “I mean, they say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.” That's the end, when nothing's left of the person except what you can dredge up by thinking really, really hard.
+ 1
last you'll ever get. "
If we don't take it
The artist is using rhetoric to convince people to try. They're describing this feeling of dying and losing your only chance at life; if you wait, nothing'll happen. No one's going to give you what you want.
+ 8
Forever Young is a song that's been covered by so many artists in so many ways it's almost impossible to imagine it as an individual song, and much easier to think about the themes and how it relates to the performer and the listener. JayZ covered it and made it about living as a young African American and dealing with constant threats in a world that's evolving faster than its culture is. This version, performed by Youth Group, is about peaceful protests against the Vietnamese war. The line "Are you gonna drop the bomb on us?" can refer to the feelings of civilians caught between two warring fronts, such as when the U.S. dropped endless bombs and drone strikes on civilians in the Middle East as part of the "War on Terror." However, it can also refer to the situation of being pushed down by "The Man." It's like when you feel so strongly about something but society says no, that's not right. For me, this song really hits on how my fiancee and I have been together for six years, and how we keep growing and learning. How one second we're serious and focused, the next we're cuddling and tickling or playing games. I think of my friend, Tom. He was my support system for a long time. He was so happy, so strong. He committed suicide when he was 15. I was 11 at the time, and it's been years but he's still who I think of and look forward to. He's forever young, and that's another way to see it. I guess it's all perspective.
+ 3
All debts are paid
Debt is a common theme throughout the show.
Nathan: The debt incurred through his guilt for poisoning Shilo out of greed and for what he believes was his fault; the death of Marni.
Shilo: She feels responsible for her mother's death, her own illness, and she feels bad for associating with Rotti and Mag and GR despite her lack of knowledge of why she should feel bad.
Mag: She wasn't there for Shilo, and she let her own life become an allegory for debt as she became further ensnared in her own search for sight.
Luigi, Pavi, and Rotti all play into sins and do not have their own personal concept of their guilt. Luigi is rage/wrath, Pavi is lust and jealousy, Rotti is greed and conquest.
+ 3
Repo Man/ Nathan
The first line is the two of them, the second and fourth are Nathan, and the third and fifth are Repo Man.
+ 3
Tonight we are betrayed
An allusion to Shilo 'betraying' Nathan by allying with Rotti, as well as to Shilo's reaction to how Nathan has been poisoning her medicine to keep her with him forever; his way of preventing his loss of Shilo how he lost Marni.
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