0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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What an amazing song! Its a direct attack on the evils of Marxist ideologies like Socialism and Communism (red tape), the progerssive liberal enviromental Cult (green belts wrapped around our minds), and the ways they force this stuff down our throats (Pr transmission will resume). People like Chrispy (a post 2 pages back from December 29, 2009) asks people to vote for Barrack Obama as a start to something better? Lol Liberals like him have adopted Marxist Socialsim ideals which are the leading cause of the problems we have with society throughout the world. Marxism, wherever it has been tried in the world, has been a horrible failure. Any place a Marxist inspired program in any government (including the us) has been attempted it has created some of the worst problems of that government. (i. E. Social Security, Medicare, Medicade, wastefull grant money given to propoganda election stealing organisations like acorn) This song is a warning to people like Obama and the ideology he represents that the world will not be forced into the oppressions of Socialism. Speaking of pr transmissions will continue. I like how Chrispy tried propping up the Communist dictatorship in Cuba by claiming they have sent more Doctors to poor contries than the un. I don't know what's a bigger lie, that or when he said that Cuba is better for it's people than the us or Britain? Lol Look up everything these people say and you'll find they continually repeat lies in an attempt to convert it to fact.
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