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From Metal Storm http://www.metalstorm.ee/bands/bandmember.php?member_id=1559 3 "Inside the Fire, of their new album Indestructible, deal with another rough part of his childhood, being the suicide of his girlfriend back in school. David was 14, and attended a private boarding school, she was 18 and a freshman at university. They met at a spring break party. Little did he know, she was also a heroin addict. David tried to get her to lay off, but unfortunately failed. Fearing disapproval from his family he then decided to end the relationship. They met once again a year after, at the following spring break party. Leaving early to avoid confrontation, David went back to his parent's house, where he got a call from a friend the next day, saying she had died of an overdose. David also stated in the interview that, in the ambulance, all she wanted was for him to be with her. He had nightmares for years afterwards, but he eventually got over it, until very recently, while working on the lyrics for the Indestructible album, he started to have them again. In the video of "Inside the Fire" he depicts what dealing with suicide could mean for those with religious backgrounds or beliefs, in that suicide is a sin and you can't go to heaven for it. After his ex-girlfriend's death, David got into a downward spiral involving drugs as well, but had an epiphany at the age of 18. He then realized the error of his ways, and went cold turkey."
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