Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From every mountainside let freedom ring!
My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free, thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills, like that above.
Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees sweet freedom's song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break, the sound prolong.
Our fathers' God, to thee,
Author of liberty, to thee we sing;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light;
Protect us by thy might, great God, our King.
My country,' tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountainside let freedom ring! My native country, thee, Land of the noble free, thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills, like that above. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees sweet freedom's song; Let mortal tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break, the sound prolong. Our fathers' God, to thee, Author of liberty, to thee we sing; Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by thy might, great God, our King. Explain Request ×
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