Reba, I just watched you on Oprah's Master Class. In there you said you like to try different things. With that being said and keep in mind I have a wondering mind as well, have you ever concidered play with a native band? There is a group which is for the most part family. The are Brule' of the Yankton Sioux Tribe and one more is called Walela of the Cherokee Nation. Walela is a 3 woman group with the most beautiful voices. I sat one day and thought to myself; I wonder if Reba has ever thought about doing a Special of Native American meet Country? How would it look? What would you all sing? Now there's something worth going wow what if? Just a thought Reba. I know you have to be extremely busy but I for once in my life just saying to myself what if, I wanted to share my "what if with you". I'm sorry for bothering you because I can only imagine how very busy you are.
May God Continue To Bless You Each And Everyday :)