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+ 2
He is truely a genious. I have never listened to something so powerful. His music speaks to me and makes me wonder how so much beauty and insight into the human soul could have been pieced together and made into a song nay a poem to music by an imperfect human like me. I feel as though for many years I was put under water and for many years I tried to gasp for air but Iwas pit down but his poetry lifted me up from the water's surface and let me breathe and take a huge gasp of air filled with the sweet scent of roses and rainfall. How I wish I could someday meet this modern-day poet.
+ 2
Look I know we all have the rihgt to say what's on our minds but if you don't like this band then why the hell are you on their lyrics, why don't you go on the bands that you like instead of hating on them. If you don't like the name "Dark Horse" too bad at least they have talent and at least they can share their music with the world. Oh and guess what? You are not breaking my heart 'cause I have a life so yeah thanks.
+ 2
I heard this song the other day and it made me cry. It is very down to earth and written from the heart. It hurts to be with someone you loved and trusted to find out that they didn't feel that same kind of loyalty for you and then they just leave you just like that without giving you a look or taken two seconds to say. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
- -1
Omg! I just love this song and this website. I think it is so cool how we can express how we feel about different things and songs and it is awesome to see the feedback from other people whether positive or negative. So my ppls keep rocking on and sending your comments. Remember it does not matter whether or not people agree with you as long as it's your opinion and not something said just to fit in.
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