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Plumb – Cut
May 9, 2011
+ 6
Wow, some of you people need lives. One point to be made: I like Twilight, but it's getting really old. Two: I like Decode, but they overpalyed it. Three: There is a seperation, a very big one, between "emo" and a "cutter". Emo comes originally from music started in the 80's called emotional hardcore. It shortened to emocore, and now emo. It's a style and a type of music, not a type of person. A cutter, cuts themselves. It's that simple. Also. @cutie_good, cutting is not something to be proud of or to announce like it makes you cool. I've been there, am there, and I am not proud of it. I want to stop, am working my way to stopping, but it's a process.
+ 2
To me this song is talking about either a couple or two friend who've had a fight or who are drifting apart, and staying together is just hurting both of them. She wants to keep the relationship, but she knows she needs to say goodbye. "I hate this part right here, I just can't take your tears," she doesn't want to hurt this person anymore. This is an amazing song, so emotional and beautiful. ♥ Jaiyukimura♥.
+ 2
I really connect with this song, because I have been dignosed with manic depression, or bipolar disorder --- and lithium is a drug given to those who are bipolar. I hate the darkness and depression, but somehow I want to keep it inside me, because it tells me who I am. It's a part of who I am now, and it's the thing that has taught me the most about who I am, or who I want to be. At the same time, I wish it had never happened --- I wish that I'd enver have been diagnosed, or even had to be diagnosed. "Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow... Oh, but God, I want to let it go."
+ 14
I had a break-up recently that nearly killed me on the spot. He was my best friend along with my boyfriend, and he just ditched me on the spot. This song makes me think of that, because of the line, "I could've missed the pain, but I'd of had to miss the dance." I wish we were still together, but even with that pain, I wouldn't erase the time in my life, because I was so happy for a short while. I could've never gottne invovled with him, but I'm glad I did, because now I know what it feels like to truly love someone --- and be loved back.
+ 3
I adore this song. One because the "Lovesongs, they kill me," fits my life, and two, because of the way Strify sings "Bull eye shot in black,". I don't know why I love that line, but I do. I think it's about someone that lost the one that they loved, the one they wanted to be with for the rest of their life. They can't stand hearing lovesongs, because it kills them to think of their lover.
+ 2
I love this song. It's about how the older generations blame the newer generations for everything, and yes, we do carry on this hatred and diseased living, but they are the ones who began the cycle. My favorite line is "We got so sick, oh so sick, we never wanted all this...Medication for teh kids who have no reason to live." Simply because I, myself, am on anti-depressants because I am suicidal.
+ 4
I love this song. It struck deep in my soul. I nearly cry when I hear it, and I sing it all the time, I have it memorized. Abuse of any kind is wrong, just utterly wrong, and those who die from physical abuse deserve a high place in the heavens for trying to survive through it. Because they truly are angels in this world, whether they choose to act like it or not. I'm a survivor of emotional abuse myself, and when I heard this song it brought a lot of memories that I never really wanterd to think about again. But it's helped me.
+ 7
I can relate to this song because by saying "send the pain below", he's saying that he's pushing the fact that he's so hurt away. He's hiding it from everyone, and trying to keep it from himself. And the "much like suffocating" is saying, it's like he can't breathe anymore, when he has to face this pain. I do this a lot, and it is like suffocating. You can't brethe, and no matter what, tears come, and you're lost. There's nothing there to save you, not in the darkness that's surrounding every thought and action.
+ 1
I'm not to sure why but this song reminds me of my own situation in life right now. I'm rahter depressed, but when I listen to this song, it's like he's saying (or singing xd), "Keep holding on and live the way you want to." It's an amazing song, and tho I originally didn't like the song (or Thriving Ivory), it's grown on me and I lsiten to it all the time now. *^_^*
+ 2
This song could multiple meanings, like a lot of Falling Up's songs. I think it's a song meant to be interpreted by the listener as they wish. To me, it's talking about a lot of things. The sense of being watched, the sense of having no freedom, then the sense of gaining fredom through God. That's teh most pominent meaning to me. Every line has a different meanng in my mind. Again, I think tis meant to be interpreted by teh listener.
+ 7
This song is basically about doing something when your pissed, instead of waiting for it to explode, make it explode! And my friends are doing a music video thing for a class to this song. The have to edit out 'fucked' in it, so they had to pinpoint the exact part where it started and ended. They sat, the whole hour, and played just that part over and over again, at full blast. So, echoing down the halls, you could hear, "So fucked up, so fucked up, so fucked up..." again and again and again.
+ 2
It's about how we have different friends that are really good people and make up so happy, but they have to leave us so much sooner than we want them too. I had one friend, who I will always hold in my heart and love for making my days so much brighter, Ali Johnson. Sometimes we don't know how long we'll have these people. Don't take them for granted, please, and let them know how much the mean to you!
+ 4
It's a song about a little girl that is abused by her mother, and she tries to hide it. But, despite her pain and the despair she has a place that she goes for happiness. There's one night that veryone can here her screams and can guess what is happening, but they pay no mind and turn their thought and eyes away. The night that the girl is killed. It ends on a note that makes you happier, though because it mentions that there is a gravestone where there shouldn't be, but that she's still happy.
+ 5
It means that he's being reborn, whether by baptism or repenting. It could also be a reference to a kind of therapy for kids that are unruly and rebelious. They wrap them in a blanket and shake it around, telling them to find their way out alone, by pushing the blanket away. They have hold of teh top so that it's a bit harder. It's called rebirthing because it's like they're being born again. A few have died, and it really seems more like a sick form of toture that parents inflict on their children that don't obey them.
- 0
I think that it means that he had done some things in his life that he regretted, and he didn't want the one person who would remember him to think of him in that way. He had a dream and he realized that only one person would care when he left this world and he wanted them to know that he wanted them to remind people of his good traits. It really is a good song.
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