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- -12
I forgot to register! But my explanation is that of the original post. Verse 1 She’s basically saying that she would rather endure another emotional crisis over their ‘slow pulse rate’ in other words they’re pretending to be emotionless towards her ‘Playing dead inside’ and it hurts so much that an emotional crisis is nothing in comparison. Chorus They can control their head and actions ‘controlled breathing’, playing it cool, dead, being dismissive but in reality this isn’t the case. They feel everything for her (can’t control what you’re feeling for me), their ego just won’t allow this though and she is trying to make them understand that playing this type of game never works. The heart you can’t control. Verse 2 She could make this nightmare go away for them but they won’t let her in, again, ego. The ultra coldness portrayed by them towards her is the worse thing she has shared with someone who she loves so much and knows that they live her too and she cannot understand this stance. Refrain She’s picking up more ‘nervous tics’ ways that she is trying to show them this, she’s becoming obsessive with trying to make them see their truth, that in reality they love her. She’s asking them to put the silence between them to bed and to talk through things. ‘Long wave silence’. Pre chorus They can control their heartbeat but they can’t shut the feelings for her out. It’s basically a story of true love between people that have been incredibly hurt by one or the others actions, they can’t stop thinking about each other no matter how hard they try to. They have tried escaping from their thoughts and feelings and pretending each other does not exist. However, the head is one thing, the heart is a completely different story. A story of ego, or fear, or the one playing games is enjoying torturing her...see narcissism, which is a whole new level of explanation.
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