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+ 2
(I got dared by a friend to u$e a $ for all of my S, $o $orry if thi$ doe$n't make $en$e). The lyric$ are wrong. But thi$ $ong i$ awe$ome! I per$onally love their new album 'Hell I$ What You Make It' ($ome people are all over YouTube dropping hater comment$ on the audio vid$ for the album), but it'$ my favorite of the three, and thi$ $ong i$ the be$t one on the album!
- 0
I agree so much with Canadianbroad. These hunters are there for the chase, and once they get what they have, they don't want it. And, yes, they really should be pitied a lot because it's sad how they can't ever find any love. They don't even know what they're missing. I've been chased before by a "hunter", but I never realized he was one. I never got caught, though. I'm very glad I didn't slow down and let myself, because now I see how badly I could've gotten hurt. I actually loved the person who was chasing me. But after he asked me out and I was too nervous to say no he went directly to my best friend. He asked her out and she said yes, and then about a month after, he broke up with her for another girl. Then I knew how horrible he was.
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