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+ 2
I remember when this song made a world premier on radio disney. I was in my rooom with the radio on. I just had a fight with my mom. Back then I have undiagnosed nld *nonverbal learning disorder* and along with failing math. I was always depressed, nervous, & out of place in my new school due to bullies. I was forced to go to theraphy and almost had to take meds. When I heard this song it made me feel alittle better cuz I knew I was never alone and tht miley cyrus *someone I looked up too* was going through a hard time too. 3 years later I still love miley. Because I see myself in her:)
+ 3
Really if you think she looks like a 'hoe' well sorry to brust your bubble but all female celebs dress like that. I totally see how inappropriate she dresses. Butt if that's the person she wants to be. The kind that people judge her on the clothes she wears, like lavatofan247 said she looked like a shank or kittylovesht said she was a lesbian (Are is rude buttt. You kno) and miley can say all she wants about how people are mean to her and her family but if she wants respect then she should grow up! And wear something that she stand up in A crowd and say "LOOK I'M MILEY RAY CYRUS AND I'M PROUND!!!" butt still am a miley supporter but really. That's the truth:)
+ 2
And it's not a bra. She has a bra under. What your seeing in the video. It's like a 'fake bra' or they also make them in tank top like shirts tooo:) and it's not just her that wears them if you look up the demi lovato "got milk?" ad she wear's one too:) it's justt a style butt I wouldn't wear it especial if my tv show as watched by 7 year old girls:)
+ 8
I real love this song it majes me cry. It was in the time travler's wife movie (in the trailor) at the very end whenn clare was like "i wouldn't change one second of our life together" and the thought of waiting and waiting for someone you love to come for you and how crazzy desitney works out. And little did I know that cry were rolling down my face. It's one of those songgs if you just listen to you'll start crying and wont know why. Yeah it's just one of those things that make life worthwhile.
+ 2
I totally a miley fan since like 2006:) soo I wasnt a surprise to me taht they would make a hannah montana moviiee. I bought the cd like the day after it came out. And I went to the movie a day I had off of school.(parent/teacher stufff) anywayss since it wass a school day no one was at the moviees so it was me my self and I at a private screening:) it rocked I love the songg:)
+ 6
Oh m-my godd I luvv thiss show! *Girliesream:)* I totally wish it was really. I wish oneday they would make more episodes buttt that's up tp japan. Honsty, I think it's over. But I finshed watching ouran the day before 4th of july and I cried *awww* buttt honsty I think it ended extremely well. Ouran High School Host Club will always have a special place in my heart that's what made it special:) *kiss kiss fall in love. Maybe your my love!*
+ 2
This is the best 'Silent Night' ever they have all this 'wannabes' and 'unfaithful' celebes singin these christmas songz, like they want you to stick a gold star on to their fourheads saying "this song means.*begins to cry:(* sooo. Much to me.* and then they go of on their stardomish way taking nude pic and puting them on the internet or get divorces even those they only been married for like 2 years. A christan christmas song little school girls sing in church. Wow:(anyway this song is sang by this person. Like sarah isn't fake she's really.
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