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+ 1
This is my best friend and her boyfriend's official song so everytime I hear this I think of them and how perfect they are for each other. She is my absolute best friend and he is a good friend that is a guy. I can come to either to them for anything. I cna go to her for issues with friends or family or anything. I can go to him for stuff like if I had an issue with my boyfriend (god forrbid) or issue with his friends or anything like that. So this song is deffinitly meant for them! Ily guys.
+ 12
This is me and muhh boyfriends official song beacuse his voice is the soundtrack of my summer and my voice is the soundtrack of his summer. His eyes are so bright blue and mine are so bright green. I'm his first girlfriend and he is my first boyfriend so we will never love another. This is hand sdown the best song that we could have beacuse it is so apprioate for our relationship we share. I abss. Love him to death and he loves me to death. He is my everything and my world. Same for him about me. We are just two kids in total love!
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