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+ 3
That's ok kimmy!(can I call you that?) the only thing that matters to me is that you had a great time. Sorry I didn't answer sooner. I had to go with my dad to the doctors. So sorry about that. Kimmy, I am really sorry that I have been responding so late! I know you are probably mad at me, and I'm really sorry. I really am. I know I said I was supposed to check this daily, and I really haven't. Please forgive me. And sure you can call me anything you want! I don't care. The only thing I care about is me and you being friends! Maybe meet me to the song amy, so we can chat again? Bye best buddy!
+ 3
I had a great halloween! Thanks for asking! How was yours? I got loads! Mostly from this 4 year old who was a baby duck! He kept giving me alot of candy! Plus, one of my neighbors dressed her dog up as dorthy! With hair! The dog didn't even move! She actually liked the costume! It was soo funny! Did you (kim) have a good time? I hope you did! And lauren, did you get alot of candy? I hope we are buds forever! Remember you can tell me anything!
+ 3
Thanks lauren! That made me cry. :) in a good way. You are my best friend too! How did your halloween go? Sorry I didn't answer you right at that moment. I went trick or treating and my neighborhood is like huge! But it was so cold! So I stayed out longer than I wanted to. And it's okay to lie. I understand. Well I hope you are doing fine, and I keep you in my prayers every night. (you too kim!) I hope god blesses you with a happy day! :) I hope your ok. :) bye! :)
+ 6
Sorry kim that I didn't answer sooner. Me and my family went out candy shopping and we were gone for a long time! Sorry about that. Anyway for halloween I am going to be a sports referee! I wanted to be devil but my family said that's just not me. Just to let you guys know you are soo nice! I mean, I practicly have no friends! But all of them are just right here! You guys just don't know how grateful I am to be alive! Because if I wasn't, I wouldn't have ever met you guys! And I would be sad. Anyway back to the topic, what are you going to be kim? Plus I live for candy! :)
+ 4
Thank you lauren! I love you guys names! They are cute! My name is Emily. No I haven't seen the 3d movie. I don't have a bf. I like both zach and cameron. I come from virginia. And don't worry you are not in my personal space. And I love halloween! If you don't mind me asking, what are you going to be for halloween? I am a sports referee! (there was nothing else I could've been) :) bye!
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