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I recently broke up with my bf. Well xbf. 3 days before new year he broke up with me. I dunno if his reason is enough. He told me that I'm hurting him so much and he could not bare it anymore. I know it was my fault but eventually I found out there was a 3rd party. That girl is the one I txted before to stay away from him in a nice way and she told me that she is not interested to him and she is attached and already have a kid. To my face! A big liar. The next day after we broke up they started a new chapter together. It was very awful. A feeling that I don't want to feel anymore. A feeling that I turns my stomach inside out. I'm wishing that i'll have selective amnesia. It was very painful. But I'm coping up. This song was sang by my closest friend that I just went out of the house and broke down. I just want to linger the pain for know until the feeling is gone. Hai. I miss mine! I still love him! Mhl q if you are happy with her though I don't want to let you go, bottomline is I have to =(
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I recently broke up with my bf. Well xbf. 3 days before new year he broke up with me. I dunno if his reason is enough. He told me that I'm hurting him so much and he bare it anymore. I know it was my fault but eventually I found out there was a 3rd party. That girl is the one I txted before to stay from him in a nice way and she told me that she is not interested to him and she is attached and already have a kid. To my face! A big liar. The next day after we broke up they started a new chapter together. It was very awful. A feeling that I don't want to feel anymore. A feeling that I don't want to feel. I'm wishing that i'll have selective amnesia. It was very painful. But I'm coping up. This song was sang by my closest friend that I just went out of the house and broke down. I just want to linger the pain for know until the feeling is gone. Hai. I miss mine! I still love him! Mhl q if you are happy with her though I don't want to let you go, bottomline is I have to =(
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