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There is nothing hidden. It is just straight forward. It is about free, unmerited grace. The opposite is of course something called karma which is a cause and effect bondage. What happens if there is a "God" vs "God". One then is a person, just as Selena is a Person. The other is a slab of meat. A road kill. 'god' can be worshiped, just as that dead deer which a car hit and killed can be worshiped. A "God". But to use the capital "G". God... Then it signifies Personhood. Either God has Personhood and is a Person or that belief is totally wrong. Actually it is not a matter of an opinion. And for sure, if there is a capital God, then this God is totally and completely in charge. Karma, cause and effect, mean nothing to this God. We humans can only pay honor to God and through this unmerited grace which is offered, this is the Way to deal with Eternity. This is the "I" who is spoken of. This Son of Man was here in human form. There is more evidence that he was literally dead and came out of the grave alive as to prove there was Socrates. These words in this song come from a heavy duty Christian theology and would take some years of searching and study to just start to begin to grasp. But, whatever, please never use the hindu religious theology including Karma with what. Is written in these words above. Btw, there are no Hindu converts. Either you are born a Hindu or we have no access. And since Karma is Hindu, then we can have no access to Karma. If any happen to be interested, re read the words to the song. This is possibly the closest anyone can get to learn about Christianity. As my mentor, who had spent 20 yrs in India '47-'67 said that first Sunday morning. Jan '76. "If you do not realize that Christianity is the most radical .religion/Faith in the world, then you do not understand the issues. Those people who call themselves 'hippies' feel themselves to be radical are nothing but conforming non-conformists tweeking the noses of society." It is now exactly 40 yrs since Jesus rolled into my life and I have spent every day with him since then. But for sure, not in a religious sense. So called religion is a human made affair and is a stench in "God's nostrils". Nope, it is either full blown Faith in God or it is nothing. I was told above, make it interesting and valuable. This is what daily for 40 yrs when life rolled in and over me and crushed me year after year, everything else was found wanting. There are many seemingly equal choices and one is a good as another when there is comfort. But not when Life is destroying most everything around you and inside of you. At the same time, the words to that song above will never ever let you down. I been there; done that. am 69 yrs now. It's all about your's and my life and death. May God's Peace coming from Grace be with you.
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