When my lover walked out on me, I cried, hollered, and screamed Oh God, please help me. Please wrap your loving arms around me and love me father, because it seems dear father, no one on this earth will. That happened 2: 00 A. M. On July 18, 2005. From that moment, I knew in my soul that God loved me and would never leave me. No longer am I lusting or in a relationship with men. But God has deadened my flesh little by little so that I can spend quality time in my salvation; understanding, walking, and living the word. Thank You heavenly Father for gifting Sis. Cece Winans with her music ministry. Thank you Sis. Winan for touching my very soul with those words. God Bless You. In God's name, Bro. William Fitz gerald, San Diego, ca.