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Current pulled me out to sea,
The tide it finally set me free
Here the current could represent bad experiences that never seem to leave your mind, or a bad situation and the tide setting them free represents a really good experience that balances out the bad experiences, possibly even outweighs and beats them.

"The tide it finally set me free" Something/Someone finally helped me.
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It's been midnight sun,
For ninety days
This line could be describing a dark night that doesn't seem to end or it could be describing constant depression in life.
+ 4
This song is really just about using the lyrical idea of 'Lost At Sea' to show the feeling of being (/feeling) lost, E. G you don't know what to do next in your life and your stuck on that thought or you're in a bad situation and you have tried to get out of it ("You, You know I tried") but just can't do it. However, Verse 2 is about the opposite. For example "The tide it finally set me free," could be the equivalent of suddenly realising where you should go next or what you should do next. The same line could also be describing a moment of relief E. G when you get out of your bad situation and everything turns from being bad to good.
Alesso – Years
Mar 11, 2015
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Lights will all appear
The artist is trying to say that no matter how many bad things may happen to you in life - there will always be a good thing to turn it around.

They're also saying that the bad experiences won't last long as the "The lights..." of good times "will appear." and take the bad things away.

Life will always balance itself out
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