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Man in this song they really dogged a lot of people. They will probably be hated in hollywood! Especially by micheal vic. Did you guys get wen he said "scooby dooby doo!" mike vic lookin boy? Lol. I just got it today. Hes talkin about him and that case he had about making dogs fight and killing them. So to day that line probably really pissed vic off. Because him making dogs fight messed his career up, but he shoulda never made them fight! Butone question. In this song was they cracking on one another?
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I disagree with the lady above me's interpretation of the song. What its really about is a woman who no longer wants to be with a man, and him saying "hell no im not letting you go.ive invested too much in this relationship.and i love you too much to be without you". Because one of his lines is "my life with you means everything.so i wont give up that easily"lol. He's kinda demanding her to stay with him. She's saying its over! But he's saying "its not over". Lol. Chris daughtry sounds kinda crazy in this song. But I love it though!
+ 4
Come on you guys! It 2008 already. So if someone makes a song about two girls kissing it shouldnt be this big of a deal. Stop being so old fashion. Its just a nice upbeat song with an original idea. And all girls have thought about kissing another female before. Like katy says, its just human nature.! It doesn't mean your g*. And so what if shes g*! Nothing wrong with g* people. As long as your happy, it doesn't matter! So s*w all of you dum asses who take the song too serious!
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