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+ 2
Haha I have to say I agree with two guys underneath my comment. Your all baffoons argue as much as you like about whether they are a christian band or not, and you have all proven its getting you no where, just accept the fact there is no "right" answer your all going to have your opinions what you think the band is at the end of the day. The bottom line is at the end of the day this is a bad a* band end of the story.
+ 3
Right well I'm just going to sum up the meaning of the song in a nutshell the chorus says it all "we have all heard what we want to hear, "truth" that sounds right to our ears". The songs about people being ignorant and refusing to listen to the truth, as they can't handle it so they create their own truth so it suits them. Its not about god or christian values its about other peoples ignorance.
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