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+ 3
I love this song so much. This is a song about a girl who is head over heals in love with this guy and she believes that he feels the same way and she is willing to do so much for him because of her love for him and she goes out of her way for it. Leona Lewis is amaziin and this is a good hit. Check out the music video. Soo vute I wanna dedicate this to my Boyfriend Gerard ilysm aaf 1-26-09.
+ 4
Jesse has himself a girl but his friend is saying he wants her for himself and how he could never fing a girl like that for himself and he wants to tell her that she loves him but that dosn'are matter cause she's in love with jesse and that bothers him a lot and in the whole song jesse never sees that his friend has fallen madly in love with his girlfriend. I love this song so much and it has a cute meaning to it.
+ 4
Ookkaayy I like am in love with song and I totally think that this song is about a girl liking a guy and maybe in love and that its hard to put all you got into a relasionship because possibilities are its not gonna work out and ur gonna be left with all the saddness and hurtness that happens in a relasionship. But now she's tired of feeling sorry for herself and she's coming out letting this guy know that its his turn to be hurt and sad. She says ' that's what you get when you let ur heart win' and I so totally believe that it happens. Rite now imm as single as could b and I just got out of a crappy relasionship wit this guy form rockville centre but I'm holdiin up.
+ 7
Meekamoody23: I heard she lost her father or someone that was a man and wuzz like so close to her! Iknow whhat everyone means! I lost sooo many people! My brother, my 2 grandma's, my grandfather, my cusin, and my bezt friend ever in the world. What I hate is that people can say that they know how I feel and that they have lost someone close to them too, but noone really knows how I feel! Only I do! I lost my brother! How close do you think that is?! I'm crying! This song brings back all those sad and depressing feelings! But I'm glad that I'm never gonna have to say bye to my brother or any of my family! I would hate to.
+ 1
Ummm yea I'm soo not bi ore lezz but I like this song and seriously why would you want to tell people you don't know that you are bi and that ur happy someone finally made a song about it? Its kinda disgusting that someone would be so wierd enough to make this song about kissing a girl when they have a b/f! And check out the music vidio it fricken looks like she; s dancin around with hookers! Wow. But don't like get me wrong. I still like love this ssong like soo muchbut a little to lezzz for me and wow to babigurl! You acshully like making out wit chicks! Whats wrong wit you? Katalina19oxo.
+ 4
Ookkaayy I like am in love with song and I totally think that this song is about a girl liking a guy and maybe in love and that its hard to put all you got into a relasionship because possibilities are its not gonna work out and ur gonna be left with all the saddness and hurtness that happens in a relasionship. But now she's tired of feeling sorry for herself and she's coming out letting this guy know that its his turn to be hurt and sad. She says ' that's what you get when you let ur heart win' and I so totally believe that it happens. I'm in a relasionship with a guy 2 years older than me. But recently I got hit by a car, and he dodn't even give a s*! So now I'm getting the courage to dump him, but I'm scared of my feelings, like I'm gonna be hurt, but no matter what happens. I know that i'll be okay. Its his turn to feel hurt!
- -4
Ookkaayy liike seriously. We need a recap rite here. Ummm yea she's been saying that she expresses herself and all her feelings into the music she has written, and that this is her most personal album yet! So yea w/e you can say that you haye this comment but its the trute. Miley wrote this about nick J. Who else can it be? And yea I know that there still friends but come on. She still has feelings like everyone else! Open ur eyes and see that Miley is by far one of the best singers eva, and that this is the best song eva, but that she may be in love with nick and that ever since her breakup wit nick, guys havn't asked her out! She wrote this about Nick j and if any 1 this agrees wit me, than comment bak. Face the damn truth will ya! Katalina19oxo.
+ 7
I lost my brother back prob 11 years agop and I miss him like sooo much and its really hard to say goodbye to someone you really love. I thought that since he's gone, I should say bye, but now that I'm 13, I realized that noone has to say goodbye to anyone. Goodbyes arn't necessary, only hello's. Hello is the word everyone loves to hear. This song was on american idol, and when I heard it I cried because its true. We will never say bye. Even though my brother patrick is in a better place now, I will never say goodbye to him, because I know that one day, I will go 2 heaven, a nd I will see him again. I love you patrick and rest in peace! I love this song more than anyone. I can relate to it. And I feel I'm da only one. But I know other people can relate just as much as I can.
+ 5
Alright ya wanna know what the hell I think I fricken agree wit cutiepie101 cause she may not be perfect, but who the hell cares! Are you perfect Wandm! No! Noones fricken perfect so stop fricken judging! Who cares if she got pregnant! She wanted to be a mom! Don't call someone a w*e cause they got fricken pregnant! She Wuz married so. I don't think that's a w*e! So Shut ur mouth or I will 4 you! O and pumpkin123 really needs 2 learn how 2 type.
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