Blah blah. I didn't say that my interpretation was that she wanted to have s* with god. I said that if it is about god, then she wanted to have s* with him. Obviously I am being a tad bit facetious. But if its about god, then why be so goddamned ambiguous about it? I am so sick of these "christian" bands claiming to be christian and to love god, and "we do it in the name of jesus h. christ" (the h stands for "heretic". Even jesus didn't believe he was the son of god), but they pick their spots don't they? In some interviews, they barely mention caspar the angry ghost, and in others, they can't shut up about him. These bands typically start out with more direct lyrics, clinging to the "christian rock" genre--after all, we all know that even the most successful "christian" bands are usually not very talented when compared to their pop/rock/country counterparts. Its easier to be a success. Less competition, weak competition, and a somewhat captive audience. So they start out as christian, cross-over to popular culture a bit, and then start to slowly shed the "god lyrics" (or at least make their lyrics so ambiguous that any claim that they are spreading "his word" become ridiculous). So. I will rephrase my opinion. The song is about making love to someone she doesn't see very often (maybe someone else in a band who is on the road. Or a soldier. Or a traveling salesman. Or santa claus (she only sees him on christmas eve, and their "secret place" is behind the christmas tree). If it is about god, then she either wants to have s* with him, or she (they) are another disgusting band that sells out their principles for a few bucks. Which makes her (and them) music business whores who allow themselves to be bent over the trough of jesus. When jesus commanded his followers to proselytize, I don't think he meant for them to be ambiguous about it. (don't you just hate proselytizing religions like christianity and islam? They are commanded to get converts--i am more tolerant of the nonproselytizing religions like judaism. Jews don't care if you convert or not. In fact, they would prefer you not convert). Chchchchchchchchchandon? Please. Don't try to explain evolution again. I think you might hurt yourself. Kardain? The old testament is the jewish bible. It is not the christian bible. Just because it is conveniently attached to the new testament in most printings doesn't mean it is a christian bible. Christians need to stick with the brand-spanking new, still-got-the-pricetag-on-it-ala minnie pearl testament. Muslims have the koran, jews have the old testament (along with the talmud--especially for orthodox jews) and christians have the new testament. But that's the typical religio-centric religion for you. Its all about them. God chose them (guffaw).