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+ 2
I miss you so much mom. Everyone else, be strong. She went to sloan kettering in nyc and there's many research groups. Join groups, gain knowledge, keep a positive mind to help keep a positive body and soul. Make amends with those you fought with, not because you have cancer, because you have a heart. Start the healing process. That's all I can say. I don't have cancer, but I've learned so much over these years. Whats important, what's not, how love outweighs dislike or hatred, and most importantly why certain people were put in their lives. I love you all. Bless.
+ 2
This song means sooo much to me. My mom survived gist cancer for over 10 years. About a year ago I rode with her in her punchbuggy and she played me this song and told me to listen to the lyrics, I listened, but did not comprehend because I was in such disbelief that this would beat her one day. She just recently passed and she gave me her punchbuggy and the cd I kept in was this song. Its very hard to listen to, but for a woman that was told 10 years ago she had 3 months to live and lasted this long, everyone should run for life.
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