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Change my heart Oh God: we know that we are sinful, double minded and unworthy, if God steps into our lives, we will be changed. Make it ever true: we need truth honesty and balance. We need to look like our example and hit our target: the heart. God is the potter, we are the clay; without a master to lead, guide, to direct; we would be lost. Sometimes the potter smoothes the rough edges and sometimes he leaves the fractures and bumps: for he knows what will make the perfect vessel. Mold me and make me, this is what I pray, change me from my wretched self: a person that does spiteful and wicked things. Not easy to say considering the molding will take some pressure, some coaxing and kneading, some necessary changes. It might hurt but this is what I pray anyway because I know that it is best. So we must cry out over and over again; Change my heart Oh God. We cannot do it on our own. If we could, it would have been done already. Even our heart knows that it needs the awesome changing power of its creator. A vessel that takes in what it receives only to pour out even greater blessings each time its received then pour them out over and over again. If we desire, God will make the change in us. Change my heart Oh God. It is the cry of the heart and God will do it, we just have to ask.
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