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- 0
Well, don't you worry about the situation
(A message from the telephone)
They out there fighting for the state of the nation
(I'm waiting a chance to come home)

Well, don't you worry about the situation
(A message from the telephone)
They always have to fight the alienation
(I realize I'm fighting alone)
Which means that they are telling everyone back home to not worry about the situation over seas and that they are out their fight for us to keep the nation in the state it is in when they just want to be home and they have to fight the alienation but they realize they are fighting alone.
+ 3
It ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker!
Friend only to the undertaker
This is stating that war only breaks peoples hearts because they are leaving their families and sometimes they don’t come back and it’s only a friend to the undertaker because people die and there really isn’t anything good about death of people who really didn’t have much to do with it.
+ 1
Ooh war, I despise
'Cause it means destruction of innocent lives
War means tears, to thousands of mother's eyes
When their sons go off to fight and lose their lives
This is showing how war has never caused anything but trouble, it brings sadness and despair to people. And that's all we could do is fight.
+ 1
war is stupid
And people are stupid
And love means nothing
In some strange quarters
War war is stupid
And people are stupid
And I heard them banging
On hearts and fingers
This is saying that war is stupid and people who get us into these wars are stupid and that loving each other doesn’t exist is some areas and these people are just banging it on hearts and fingers when people are just tired of it and want it to end.
- 0
We're burning witches too
This world
The witches are represented by the communists and we are just taking them out without really giving them a chance.
- 0
Pressure on people
People on streets
It’s going at the fact that the war is putting pressure on these people that live on the streets because 1) they already don’t have a home or food 2) with us being in a war more food is being used for the war and there are less houses and what if we get attacked where do those people go for shelter. .
+ 1
It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
It means that we don’t want to know what it’s about we just want everyone to be like us so we don’t have to worry about what it is like because we will know what it’s like.
+ 2
Okay so this was never a song I saw as a song bout the cold war until now and I had to do a history project on songs about the cold war but now I see it talks about how we cat the soviet union for stupid reasons and mainly because we are scared of them and we are just forced to belive that growing up but we are more concerned with how people live reather than how the people living at home are living so why can't we just forgive them even though we should be forgiveing them just letting them have their way with living and focus on our people and just learn to love them as they are and just let them be them.
- -1
The blind men shout let the creatures out
We'll show the unbelievers
The people who can't see these creatures want them out so they can see them but once they are let out they will believe everyone who said they don't exist and laughed.
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The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain,
But don't you pray for my soul anymore
“The glamour, the fortune, the pain.” these were the main reasons people went to war. “Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain.” there was always a price for freedom but it has always been in blood never in peace. “But don't you pray for my soul anymore.” don’t bother anymore because I’m not going to heaven I’m going to hell because I fight in blood over something I don’t really don’t know about.
- 0
The hands that threaten doom
This is talking about war because to a lot of people war was the hand that threatened doom. Because that was just their view on it.
+ 2
Heirs of a cold war
That's what we've become
Inheriting troubles I'm mentally numb
This explains how everyone who was born during this time and everyone too young to do anything about it are raised knowing that communism is bad and the Soviet Union is evil and we are just tossed everything and expected to go along with it and have the same beliefs without being able to judge for ourselves.
+ 4
Millions of people living as foes
Maybe it's not too late
To learn how to love
And forget how to hate
In this world we fight each other and we never do anything about it. And hopefully people can learn now what people didn't learn then and learn to put what happened in the past in the past and stop hating on them and just learn to love them instead of dwealing on what they are, who they are, and what they did. This is about the cold war and it goes to show that we fought the Soviet Union on their belifs and ways of running things why couldn't we just let them be and do what they want instead of hating on them.
- -1
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao,
You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow
Is show the side of those who are pro-communist by showing that there are people who support this but at the same time it is anti-communist by showing that you can support what you want but there are too many people against you and your not gonna make it.
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