By accident this song appeared on my reader exactly as I am going through something somehow akin to the content. These lyrics perked me up as I presently have that feeling of going number two in ones pants and standing around with it there. Why. I believe sometimes that someone thinks something like this about me! Sounds a bit narcissistic of me eh? I would always insist on "picking myself up" although accepting help is part of learning about love it seems. I wonder if the person in the song picks themselves up. They don't often I have noticed. A sordid tale, always, picking myself up. Rather impossible I might add, to pick oneself up by your own boot straps! That's why I utilize other means and always succeed thus far in life. In this song I like to think the narrator means "picking up" as the other person being connected, confident, strong, compassionate and sincere through the activities and healthy lifestyle that picking oneself up implies. Are you sure.