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I interpreted the third eye of the intuitive Ms. King as viewing a beautiful tapestry from a distance and suddenly seeing her "prince" stop near a stream. A romantic image,especially since she is helpless to save him from his past of a bad romantic decision and yet she knows for reasons of his own shallow values, she nonetheless mourns his downfall in life. Her unexpressed longing for him, on one hand, is frustrating since he sounded clueless as to her own intentions at the start, not knowing why he was there. . On the other, he may be a jigalo player, like J.Alfred Prufrock, afraid to ask in polite circles.. An almost welcome darkness and delusion entices her with the dual nature of her infatuation with the prince.She struggles with herself. The dilemma is whether or not to die heroically, faithful to the end.. Viewing her tapestry from a distance is safe place to create a fairy tale worthy of Tcaichovsky's Swan Lake.. The song is beautiful for a lot of people....
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