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Some of you do realize that the Klan also has a history of using the bible during their meetings right? So by using the Klan excuse to put down the flag, you must also condemn the bible as well. If your an atheist, I guess that would be your favorite past time, but for me I am a proud Christian southern man with ancestors who fought under the confederate flag. If you're not from the south or don't have confederate roots, it's okay if you don't understand because you are supposed to be ignorant of it. Someone like me has a flag because I am proud of my ancestors for standing up to what they felt was an oppressive government, the exact same thing every American forefather did against the British. I am proud my ancestors had the guts to rise up knowing there was a chance they may not come back, which one didn't. I fly my flag because of this pride, not because I feel my race is better than another. I often look at people who discredit and call it racist as being jealous that their ancestors never did anything great or anything they can be proud of them for. Its a sign of respect our confederate dead. Do you think the confederate poor that fought in the war owned slaves and plantations? If you do, I have some beach front property in Tennessee that I can sell you.
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