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Warm Smiles, They Do Not Make You Welcome Here (x2)
Those 'warm smiles' he is singing about is the lack of meaning or the lack of a cause in most lyrics; it's the music about breakups, butts, love, and all those other things.
'They do not make you welcome here': This meaninglessness is not going to cut it anymore. The audience (or Enter Shikari) expects more from music, from the lyrics; the want to be challenged and inspired by the artist. An artist should be someone with something to say about important topics.
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You see the airwaves are clogged up
But the fickle they, lap it up
They need to be drowned in condiments
And left to Ponder Sense
And the people, they just blindly consume; they either don't care or don't know any better. Radio, pop and rock music, it's all full of music without a message, without a cause.
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And with these humble tools
We can trigger any emotion we choose
But we'll just settle to pump out repeated relics diluted with time
Musicians are contempt with giving their audience the same stuff they've been giving them all the time: lyrics without a message, without deeper meaning or real world relevance. They make lyrics about love and breakups, their own demons, pain or depression. They choose to stick with what they know, they won't try to get the word out about social or political wrongs or to call attention to them.
+ 2
I think this song is about being a musician, or more precisely, about what Enter Shikari have been trying to do with this album. It's pretty much all in the first lines of the song. This song shows the change Enter Shikari went through to become the kind of band the obviously always wanted to be. They started with those 'warm smiles' but realized that this wasn't enough. They had something to say, they wanted to change the world or at least contribute towards changing it with their music.
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