To dirtycooot.
There's nothing wrong with praying for help.
The problem is when people cry about their problems constantly and accept being a victim, therefore never trying anything to fix it themselves. That's when it becomes a problem.
However, if you do everything you can to make a change, and you pray to God to help guide you along the way, then it works.
The point is. If you continually make an effort towards something, and pray for it to happen, you'll see a difference sometime. May take awhile, and it will be hard, but it'll happen.
Praying isn't a bad thing at all.
The problem is that many people use praying as a substitute for actually utilizing the abilities to make change themselves, which God has blessed us all with.
When used in substitution of making an effort yourself, it's hard to see a difference. But when prayer is used in combination with doing everything else you can, it's a very effective tool.