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First of all, let me start by saying that everyone up to this point has wasted their time because my opinion is the only correct one. Secondly, I hate homosexuals. Why? Because God tells me to. It's simply the right thing to do. Another thing I hate is the American culture. Yes, all of it. But for the sake of brevity I will only touch on the parts that pertain to this particular thread. Our culture makes girls at ease to try things like this by putting out songs such as this one. Not good. If a guy even has the hint of a thought of maybe potentially possibly liking the taste of another guy, he immediately labels himself as g*. Good. However, girls can step wayyy over the line and still be able to call themselves "straight" with a straight face. Laughable. "Um ya i done it b4 and i like it but dat don't mean i'm sum kinda lesbo lol. i like lookn at gurls but i still gots me a bf." This is what we term "bullshit," ladies and gentlemen. Also, as a girl, I can say that I am attracted to guys. Does this mean that I believe guys to be better looking than girls? Of course. Any girl who says otherwise needs to close her soft, red lips and get down and start eating carpet.
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