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+ 2
Its just saying that "the first one, is the worst one, when it comes to a broken heart" pretty self explainatory. But its also kinda the bad side of thunder. They both talk about your first love, and how you will always love that person, and you subconciously compare everyone else you date to that person, this one is just more on the heart break side of things, where thunder is on the really emotional, depth, and confusion part of things.
+ 3
This is my favourite song. For uhm reasons. Anyway its about being I n love with someone society tells you, you shouldnt, but you can't help it you just love them and you want them more than anything and you know they love you to, but that you will one dya, in the end, and when the time is right, be together. Martin has also said in many interviews (inlcunding a radio interview I was at! : D) that this is a really emotional song for him because it was the first song he wrote after 5 minutes to midnight, and it sums up his feelings of touring non stop over the last few years, and just the weight of everything in his life.
+ 2
Its about his mother who lost her life to breast cnacer when martin was just 16. Rip mary Johnson: '(this song has made me cry soo many times, and when he plays it live he always looks up as if he's singing right to her at the "my heart is empty wihtout you sometimes i dont know what to do and i need you tonight ill fall asleep and its alright close my eyes and ill be by your side": '(this song is heart wrenching and hes jsut been through so much, but hes soo open with his fans, his mom would be proud :)
+ 2
Its about not knowing if love will be enough, and relying on something else in a realtionship, it doesn't have to be "medication" it can be anything, other friends, drugs, parties, s** ext. ^that's basically what martin said, but I don't want to quote it because its not exact, its what I recall though. :). Idk why, but when ever I listen to this song at the begining I picture him on the phone with his dad. Just the first verse.
+ 2
Its about learning how to deal with heart break, after a girl leaving him, and not wanting her to see what she put him through. But he does still love her, which is why its hard. The images of her with her new bf haunt him,. I loved it on the soundtrack of your summer tour (and rbtl) when he incorporated bleeding love into this song, it suits it really well.
+ 4
No no! This song is soo much more than that! . K, yes she left him, but its about getting over it, okay so when someones falling in love theyre "head over heels for them", when youre falling out of love your then "heels over head" het it, but yes of course part of him still loves him which is why he saying she hopes she thinks of him, and what he's feeling because she got to go off and live her life, but he's stuck with everything they used to have haunting him. He said that the california bound thing was more metaphorical than anything he said "no my girl didnt literally jump in her car and head for LA, its just how I could put it into words", anyway its about falling out of love with someone, a long and difficult process.
+ 2
This song as martin has described it is basically about the last 5 years of his life all warpped up into one, it has emotion from his mothers death, in it, its about feeling the pressure about growin up, and what he should make of his life, it mentions his father; his best friend in the enitre world, who he is very close to, its about needing to find your self, before you can really do anything with your life, and reflecting on everything he's ever been through, ever relationship, ever friendship, ever loss, and every gain. I really love how this was the last track on the album and it ends the same way as the great escape (the first track) does, its like saying that at the end of finding your self, you realize you're really back where you strated, what matters is your close friends and family, who will get you through everything, who you can rely on, and nothign else. "all of the wasted time, the hours that were left behind, the answers, that we'll never find, they dont mean a thing, tongiht"
+ 1
Wow. Can you say "TEENIES". Lawl this is a bad. Bad exapmle of blg fans, I can assure the world, most of us are the most dedicated fans their are, and have an iq over 2. This song is about someone who has a problem, proably a drug addiciton, which causes their relationship to end, and these are his thoughts on it, he knows she'll come back to him and this is what he will say.
+ 2
K so. Most these comments don't make much sesne. And honestly you can like the music at 9 sure, but there is no way you can really fully grasp the meanings and emotion put into their songs! . The song is basiaclly just syaing "break ups suck.. badly.. they're never fun so lets just cut the crap, dont say i love you when your about to leave me, lets not fight all the time lets just end it and move on theres no point in wasting any more time with each other" I love this song and this band, they've honestly gotten me though so much, I wouldnt be me without them.
+ 2
This song is incredably inspirational, it is amazing, and I absolutely love it! . Its about just getting out of any bad situation, just believing in your self, and those who love you and just leaving. It can apply to almost anything, and its really just about not letting your life go to waste,. This song was also used in a to write love on her arms campaigne (suicide prevention organization) Boys Like Girls have always been big time supporters of twloha and go was featured on the back of a twloha tshirt :). God, I love this song, and I love martin bennett johnsons, john joseph keefe, paul charles digiovanni, and bryan francias donahue!
+ 2
Its about needing to end a relationship with someone you really care about and you don't want to hurt, and you know they don't want it to end, so you're trying to lay it out for them in a way that will make sense, without leaving them empty and broken, but at the same time you know it will anyway because they really love you, and you did love them, infact you still do a little bit, but you need freedom, and you want them to be okay.
+ 3
Its about a guy who left a girl, and now he just doesn't know why he ever left, and he doesn't fully understand why he's feeling how he is but all he knows is that he needs too be with her again, and he needs a second chance, and he doesn't really feel like hes good enough for her but he wants another chance and he was to show her that they can work and be perfect together.
+ 2
LMFAO. @lovesongs 1, I can't insault you, your comment made me laugh too hard! . @Jaron Johnson and andintheclear you guys gave really good descriptions :), My favourite part of this song is the "I took one big step and i looked away and then i thought of all the things i wanted to say i'm always too late you never got your story straight, I'm always up late, i think I'm everything you hate" -because hes realizing that no matter what he does he wont be good enough for her and there just isn't a point in trying and he just has to move on because shes the one in the wrong, and he just had to step away from it all to see that.
+ 2
@ilovepauldigiovanni, well you are closer than the other idiots on this page, but you to are clearly just not a "die hard blg fan" but don't worry I am ;). Alright so this song was made long before thunder "made them famous". And also before the great escape "made them famous" ect. It was made along with many others for the s/t but didn't get picked to be put on it, and was later on leaked "heavy heart" does not exist, just go on paul's formspring you'll see he doesn't even know what people mean by heavy heart ;). Since the leak there have been tons of rumours about the songs but heres the scoop they were never released and they never will be, however they are great songs, since the boys are full of talent and can't create anything that isn't great, so just google "boys like girls heavy heart downloads" and put em on ur ipod or mp3 to enjoy, they don't mind people downloading their music, as long as they enjoy it, espicailly music that can't be bought ;). Anyway. @yhcesz yes you're right, lyrics are missing! . @bubear145 and it wont be released either. @studmuffinler don't hold ur breath waiting for a release: p @howiwanted2look blg made it, martin bennett johnson wrote it, google it, you; ll find it! . Its not fucked up, and no, they were not put up falsely! : P. @ilovepauldigiovanni please, attempt this quiz I've made, its old, but if you're a "diehard" fan, you wont have any trouble recalling what was going on at that time eh? , plus I mention the date so no worries! . I should really make a new one, with martinsays and love drunk questions ;). As for the meaing, well I think this song is fairly self explainatory, so I wont bother: p.
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