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+ 21
Well I'm a marine and I agree with this song completely and I'm sick of all you damn anti-troop people, I fight for your f*g right to say those damned things so why the hell would you say things against me and my brothers?, if you all think peace or love is the answer me and my brothers in teh armed service will gladly set down our rifles and let all you f*g idiots try love and peace, but in about 10 years crime, terrorist acts and war will break out uncontroably and all you retards will be begging for an army to protect your helpless sorry asses. Wake up and smell the god damned roses w/o the military and what its done for this country you wouldnt be able to say anything you say, hell w/o war youd all be speaking german, so get a f*g grip and stop bashing the very people that protect you. Well I'm gonna stop here before I hurt people feelings.
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