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Wow okay. I'm catholic and just to clear things up here the bible and catholic or christians don't hate on homo or bi sexuals, we are called to treat them with compassion, respect, and sensitivity, but its the actions that make it a sin and this song does portray homosexual actions. Also, skittles doesn't give christians a bad name. That's really how it is. God loves everyone, were all made in His image. He does hate the sin though. Its not our fault, or his, that we sin, its origional sin. He sees through the sin though, to you, and it doesn't matter how much you sin, he will still love you more than you can ever imagine. And wolfgang, if there is no Jesus Christ, no Holy Spirit, no God, then tell me where our existance came from. Tell me where every little vain on every little leaf, every detail on every butterfly, every single blade of grass, every bird, every snail, every ocean came from. Only one guy could do all that, and that's God. I like the song, I think its funny. I just wanted to put all that out there.
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