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I confess (yeah), my weakness
Til you pick up the parts that are broken
Pour out your perfection on me now
Only by confessing our weaknesses to Jesus, can we allow Him to work with our broken pieces. Tori’s heartfelt “pour out Your perfection on me now” is enough to leave anyone breathless. Confessing always seems to feel like it’s the hardest part to do because yet again, you don’t want to appear feeble. However, God knows your heart and the most precious thing about it all is that He won’t allow you to stay "Hollow" forever.

I applaud Tori Kelly for being one of the very few mainstream artists whom are open to showcasing their genuine love for God through music.
+ 1
Cause I'm paper-thin
And you, you make me whole again
There’s so much grace and heavenliness in this line. Only You father and You king of all kings, can make me whole again even after I have gone through so many tribulations. Even though I’m paper-thin, You never forget to pick me up when I fall down – regardless of how many times.
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Empty and only your love can fill up my cup
Cause I'm hollow
Yeah, I'm hollow, oh oh oh
Cause I'm hollow
Yeah, I'm hollow, oh oh oh
This lyric represents such a powerful sense of humility and submissiveness. I picture my body fully surrendering itself in the presence of the Lord. The beauty of this particular lyric lies in recognizing that He is ultimately the only one that can fill our hearts, minds, and souls with eternal love. Even when my light begins to appear slightly dim, I never forget about the fact that only He can overflow my cup with love, grace, harmony, conviction and peace.
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So hold me
Wrap me in love
Tori’s words are spot on. No, it’s not just a simple hug from just any man. It’s an extraordinary hug from an extraordinary man. There is no better love than the tenderness and warmth Jesus give us when we are at the peak of our weakest points.
+ 1
Cause I'm fragile
And you know this
Something about this line speaks to me in a very profound way. Nowadays, we fall into the trap of feeling afraid to appear weak in front of others. We’re afraid to look like delicate human beings. However, the best thing about placing your trust in Christ is having the sense of conviction in knowing that He’ll always be there to heal your broken wounds. There isn’t a need to hide behind your scars.
+ 2
He song describes a hollow life becoming filled with love, which Kelly attributes to her faith, describing "Hollow" as her "love song to God. Only by confessing our weaknesses to Jesus, can we allow Him to work with our broken pieces. Tori’s heartfelt “pour out Your perfection on me now” is enough to leave anyone breathless. Confessing always seems to feel like it’s the hardest part to do because yet again, you don’t want to appear feeble. However, God knows your heart and the most precious thing about it all is that He won’t allow you to stay "Hollow" forever.
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I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
She is a kind of girl who is typically shy. She always want to be the lonely one. She likes being alone.
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