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+ 17
Honestly when I first listened to the song I fell in love with its haunting lilt and mourning quality. The droning notes and solemn singer offer a story in itself. Though as a piece of art there may be no true explanation... I saw this as a tragedy. A rabbit and a wolf are forever separated by their very nature. They live in two separate worlds and when they come together it can only spell bloodshed. The part in the song where the music stops and turns eerie is perhaps when the wolf accidently snaps and hurts the "rabbit". Later he says "please stop looking the other way" as if the rabbit is angry or put out with the wolf. The wolf wants the rabbit to stay but the rabbit knows it will happen again. Its kind of like how humans interact with each other in a way. A wolf catches a rabbit and lets it go, realizes letting it go "wasn't quite right" and returns to recapture and complete the intended job beforehand. Whether that it to now destroy and consume the rabbit or love it is unknown. Also this song may spell out how it is impossible for a "wolf" to love a rabbit" as he will more than likely eventually kill it or chase it away. Creatures from two separate worlds are doomed to fight and die in spite of their love. Also the quote "love is like a falcon." Comes to mind. This basically describes how love seeks, finds, and eventually consumes. Much like a wolf would consume a rabbit perhaps.
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