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+ 3
It's the story of Kronos, youngest of the Titans. He first castrated his father Gaia, the sky, and then killed him, by his mothers orders, and took the throne. His mother warned him that he would receive the same fate. So he swallowed each of his children. However, Zeus was hidden by his mother. When he grew up, he cut open Kronos' stomach, freeing his brothers and sisters, and threw him with the rest of the titans into exile.
Metallica – One
Mar 28, 2009
+ 13
It's based off of Dalton Trumbo's 1938 novel Johnny Got His Gun. It's about soldier Joe Bonham who in wwi is hit by an artillery shell and loses all of his limbs, eyes, ears, tongue, jaws and most of the rest of his face. He's hooked up to feeding and breathing tubes left with only his sense of touch, fading in and out of reality and fantasy with complete function of his brain. He taps his head on his bed in morse code "kill me." Its a great read. It can really mess with your head though.
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