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Now holding on to something can go one of two ways. To success or to demise. This song. Succussfully speaking. Is how love, war, and life is to all of us. We do what we do to make ourselves happy and hopefully find happiness in another. All is fair in love and war and most recently life or so sayings seem to go. Mistakes are made but if we believe so much in our cause we will find the solution, the goal, if we constantly seek it; however, in the demise aspect, I think this song comes off as kinda sarcastic. The lyrics in that sense seem to say, " Go ahead. Tear people down to get what you want." You alter who you are to fit to get what you want. Maybe this confuses the quest. Mistakes are once again made. However, because of the way things were done you end up alone. Either way it could be a song of hope that good will eventually come, even if we as humans are scared of being alone. Or a sarcastic song saying this is what that attitude of being fake and using people will bring you. In other words: I hope you do find what you are looking for, but I hope you realize how you got there.
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