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[Verse 1]
Well, you've made out on this last crime…
Like a thief in the night selling crack part time.
But I know your beliefs well surpass mine,
And I know I'm a whore on the block
He's saying that although they're both very low on morale, somehow the person who is "selling crack part time" feels that they're better than "the whore on the block with a dime". They're both very low on morale, but it's natural to put yourself above somebody. They both could have different explanations for why they're path is right and the others' is wrong.
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stone, spending all my nights
Trying my best to distinguish your reasons.
Trying my best
This verse is describing the theory of relativism, or that everybody has their own truth. He's trying to figure out what exactly is right and wrong for him, and what is right and wrong for the other person (who is more than likely a girl). Also, he's asking the reason why they chose to go down the path that they did, being a negative part of society from the lyrics.
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