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+ 1
This song is totaly cool! Don't ya think? I mean she's sooo talented and I can closly be a popstar and Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus practice makes perfect and I love the way you pose and the way dance to your song Party in the Usa. And I liked the way you say'd Crank Me up Baby and like you your two middle fingers and pointed at the tv in the episode were so sorry uncle earl.
+ 3
I love this, song no the real kaylee evelyn it is not true she wants to stop singing who ever told you that is lieing she will not be doing enymore new Hannah Montana episodes they will be doing repeats of the old episodes but no more new episodes, but she will be doing a new season of Hannah Montana which will be coming out in the summer its called Hannah Montana forever. And Miley I saw your movie it was very sad when ronnie's dad died from the cancer that spread to his lungs defintly very heavy for kids I liked the rest of it but not the end neither did my friend she didn't like the movie either but she liked the reat of it. Have a nice day bye.
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