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+ 1
So wizards cast your spell
With no heart to do me well
So it's written, it shall be
Magic and the spirit world were real to the Norse. Destiny could change the effects of both. Even wizards cannot alter Fate.
+ 2
Now your mission lies ahead of you
As it did mine so long ago
To help the helpless ones who all look up to you
And to defend them to the end
Honor demanded absolute devotion to one's people - each caste had certain responsibilities. Warriors defend.
+ 1
Ill live your dream now passed on to me
And I now wait to shake the hand of fate
Like the dusk awaiting dawn
Celtic/Norse tradition puts great weight on inheritance - of duty, good name, kin, weapons, etc. They also saw Fate as a guiding, even compelling force in their lives - destiny will be fulfilled - fate will prevail.
Manowar – Thor
Oct 17, 2015
- 0
Thor the mighty, thor the brave
Brave, honorable, and defender of the weak.
Manowar – Thor
Oct 17, 2015
+ 1
I watched as he shouted
To the giants that died that day
Thor was considered a god of honor and oath-keeping, as well as battle and thunder. Also fought a lot with evil giants and twisted, evil, brother Loki.
- 0
Let Valhalla's gates
Open wide
The heroic dead join Odin for the Final Battle of good against evil, at the end of the world: Ragnarok. THEN and only then, will Valhalla's gates open wide.
+ 4
If I Should Return
With My Body On My Shield
Traditional and honorable way to carry a Celtic Warrior who died in battle. (also practical - no one carries coffins into battle!) Followed by a grand funeral if they were a hero.
- 0
Fight all together as one for the right
To be free once again
Freedom fighters are seen as a class above the rest. Often, theirs is the valiant minority: Spartacus, The Rebels vs the Empire, etc.
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If you see me you just passed your time
To the hills you can run but not hide
In war, it is a mistake to show mercy to the enemy's warriors. They won't return the favor. Mortal combat is the sole solution.
- 0
Stand and face the lord of steel
The lord of steel
To the Norse, that would be Odin. To Satanists, it would be Lucifer the Iron Willed. To others, clearly a reference to Ares, god of war. In no case is this referring to a mere man, who is unworthy of commanding heroes.
- 0
Let thy Valkyries fly
Odin's daughters, the Battle Maidens, aka Battle Ravens, flew to battles to take heroes as they died - straight to paradise in Valhalla.
- 0
And so it was by the hand of odin
Did the immortal warrior pass through
The gates of valhalla and into legend
Only heroes went to Valhalla, palace of Odin, the feast hall where they passed time until Ragnarok.
- 0
Take thy shield take thy sword
All thy weapons to the sky
Ye shall need them when odin bid thee rise
Valiant dead were saved up in Valhalla for the final battle of good and evil: Ragnarok. Of course, you'd need your weapons!
- 0
He is descended from giants. His father Loki
A number of terrible, magical creatures came of breeding with evil gods or giants - Fenris Wolf is another. Odin had a use for Sleipnir, though.
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the war god Odin
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Across the rainbow bridge to Valhalla
The Rainbow Bridge is originally from Norse mythology, known as the Bifrost, guarded by keeper Heimdallr. All who come and go from Asgard, realm of the high gods the Aesir - Odin being King of All Asgardians. (as opposed to evil godsones of the underworld, and frost giants).
- 0
Eight legs and magic runes
Carved upon his teeth
Thunder and lightning
Sound beneath his feet
Sleipnir is at once a symbolic and a magical creature, straight from the spirit world where gods and souls naturally dwell.
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Borne by Valkyries we valiant dead
Into the hall of heroes shall be led
Norse myth tells us the valkyries were the "battle maidens", or "battle ravens", daughters of Odin. They swooped over battlefields, choosing the best of the valiant dead for the future battle of Ragnaroc, taking them to Valhalla - Hall of Heroes.
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