0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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And yea it's hot in here the temperature
It's got these ladies gettin freakier
The girls' s**ual pleasure is getting higher and higher the longer the party goes on. "Keep partyin, people!"
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I feel like I wanna smack somebody
Turn around and, bitch, slap somebody
But I ain't goin' out bro
(No, no, no)
I ain't givin' into it
(No, no, no)
Anger is creeping in, but he won't follow it's instructions. He wants to stay calm, hence the meaning of the song.
+ 2
This is a song about anxiety, hence the tittle. What you feel, in detail, is described here. Toward the end, he shows a short tidbit of bravery, then back to ranting about his anxiety. He also wants to rebel against his anxiety and stay calm. So basically, it's a song describing anxiety.
+ 3
This might be a song representing how Fergie constantly gets attention for her bottom. At one point, she hints that she might be getting tired of this stuff she keeps getting from the boys. It also might describe to boys going through puberty what might happen if they can't control their curiosity for privates.
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Leave the past behind,
Leave the past behind or shall we.............look into the future?
Look ahead,
That's right.
After a while if a bad choice was made, then people just have to move on and stop dwelling on it. They can just try again later.
+ 1
I open up my third eye, my third eye
You can't get away wit' murder, wit' murder.(Yeah)
You was
The people who are obsessed with what the government is doing are the "third eye". That eye is watching the government to make sure they don't commit any bad moves. If they do, they will report to the world and they'll be busted, hence the line "you can't get away wit' murder".
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Gepetto, Gepetto?
Beware of Gepetto.

''cause he got knives
Who the heck does the shadow government consist of? I mean, really, if there was a shadow government, (there might be) who is it?
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Who the Hell is
There could be two potential meanings for this line:

1. Bush was a liar and everybody could see it blatantly.
2. Bush was the visible government.
+ 3
This song is letting the government know that people are watching them, and if they do something bad, they're going to be ratted out. Essentially, if Bush ever told a lie, we would notice instantaneously. The "third eye" is basically the people watching for corrupt moves. Murder is supposed to represent what the corrupt moves ARE exactly.
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T to the A, to the S T E Y girl you tasty
This lyric explains how Fergie is supposed to make boys "go crazy" and Will-i-Am is "crazy". Therefore, he is misspelling "tasty".
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