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+ 4
I think this song is 100% about the fans when the boys say ¨You´ve been Lonely, you don´t even know me But I can feel you crying¨ this lyric means something powerful to me that even if you never been to one of there concerts before they are saying in this lyric that the can feel the pain you´re going through and the tough times. In this lyric ¨Let me be the one to Lift your heart up and save your life I don´t think you even realize Baby, you´d be saving mine¨. This is another powerful meaning not just to me but to all of there fans. Also when they say ¨Diana¨ I don´t think they are talking about anyone in specific it´s just a name that they picked to use they could of called it any name they wanted but they chose the name Diana. I love this song and the whole song I can just listen to the Lyrics and it sounds like they are singing straight to the fans.
+ 2
I think this song is about Eleanor Calder because when Louis sings ¨Just keep your head up, love, keep your head up Don't hide away, don't ever change Keep your head up, love, keep your head up Don't look away, don't look away´ I think this lyric means that Louis is telling Eleanor not to look away or she will miss something important. When Louis sings this lyric ¨'Cause everybody's lookin' at you now, my, oh my I guess some queens don't need a crown And I know why Even when your tears are fallin' down Still, somehow, you're perfect now¨ I think in this lyric everybody is looking at her explaining how pretty she is. When Louis sings this part ¨I guess some queens don't need a crown And I know why¨ I think when he sins this lyric i believe that that lyric is talking about Eleanor Calder (Louis Tomlinson´s girlfriend) no doubt. This is my favorite song by Louis Tomlinson plus Just hold on
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