We did a karaoke to his auntie's house and I didn't know my BF put this song on the list, I am a terrible singer but this song hits me inside and got me teary, 10 yrs in relationship more of heartaches and I am thinking of letting him go to do what he wants in life, I am just an option to him, instead of hating him, this song fits for him. </3
If I should stay, ->after 10 yrs with you, this question popped up to my head, I love you but how what it is for me?
I would only be in your way. ->you always telling me that I am too needy, you want to enjoy life more on your own
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you ev'ry step of the way. ->I can go on without you and I know you too, you are very well without me but for me it hurts me and kills me to know my worth to you is not that important
Bittersweet memories -> with all the fights, I choose to stay and hoping you to see my worth, but I still end up a loser, begging attention and time, appreciation. What I am grateful of, you never cheated on me
That is all I'm taking with me. ->I am not ashamed that I loved you that much more than you do
So, goodbye. Please, don't cry. ->this message is for myself, you never cried and shed a single tears for me
We both know I'm not what you, you need. ->it is plain to see and obvious but I am still staying to save our relationship
I hope life treats you kind ->I know from the start, you are surrounded by loving family, relatives, cousins and old/new friends, I hope you do this as well to your partner not leave them as optional
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
And I wish to you, joy and happiness.
But above all this, I wish you love. -> you may get all the things you want in the world but please don't forget our Creator above all else.
And I will always love you. -this I cannot promise, I have to moved on and love the person who is ready tp change my life and give me a family that I dreamed of but one thing for sure, I will not forget you Syd BC