I think this song is about unintended results, both postive and negitive, but yet voice this presents is resentful about sucess and still has issues with self-esteem, as shown by the 'reflection' line, but when you live it is different than standing still. Also, the lines 'the stage I set' is about afterlife, people keeping us connected to life, and yet how we can still be alone throughout. The last part of that verse grounds us again in the fact that this person is only considering and if they due it will be unespected, and also the person keeping the speaker connected may be alone as well now with him disconnected from them. The stop is also dual meaning to mean 'stop' with looking at reflections, stop trying to not live, while also meaning just a simple 'stop' anything.
Maybe I'm making to many interpataions, also note that the singer is not the same as the voice they present.
Love'yall :)