0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 2
Klayton's characterization perhaps the same as in EOAE before it all fell to pieces, is lying alone thinking as he gazes upon the stars about a Girl he has yet to truly meet yet but dreams and thinks he has and cannot wait until his dreams become reality, this is potentially a sad connection between this track and lost in time Where the Criminal has "wandered from the pathway praying you would come to save me" potentially nothing but the waters of time flow in odd ways. Perhaps all of the main characterizations are one individual unaffected by time. Memories are fuzzy things and they do not always come back in the order they were formed.
+ 2
This track refers to the inevitable fallacy of the onward towards the future mentality. In a universe where mankind has spread beyond the earth, people are always looking onwards to the future and well the present sucks and the future is not likely to improve at all. So Re: Memory is using mental manipulation to get a glimpse of what once was. Before population climbed to an extreme and the amount of settle-able land has spread it from cities around the globe and around the various planets, into barren wastes and dystopian science fiction super cities a glimpse into the past is one way to escape the monotonous horrible existence of the "modern" world.
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