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I'd like to remind people that long before the Bible was written (by men, it wasn't magically handed down to people from a higher being) there were many other religions in which homosexuality was not condemned. Example, Greece. The king of Greek gods, Zeus, had a male consort named Ganymede. But, back to the Bible, the version we read today is not the very original Bible at all. It has been translated back and forth so many times, words have been changed to fit languages where another word might not be a part of it. As well, before the printing press, the Bible was copied by Monks by hand. What was to stop one monk that condemned homosexuality from slipping that in as a sin? As well, think about the many different branches of Christianity. Which of those is the correct branch? Also, don't forget, Jesus was a jew. There are so many different religions in the world. What is to prove that any one religion is more true than any other? Well, certainly not the overwhelming scientific proof that the world is much older than the Bible would lead us to believe. As it is, this song isn't about God loving you, it's about you loving you. When it says 'God makes no mistakes' it means that whoever you are is exactly who you're supposed to be, and if you do believe in God, then he made you exactly who you are. On top of that, if I did believe there was a god, wouldn't he have the power to control each and every person, thus able to eliminate all sin because we'd all be mindless drones to his will? What many people don't know is that there are documented cases of animal (non-human animals that is) homosexuality. Clearly, it isn't something that we consciously choose if animals that function mostly on the Id can become homosexual.
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