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I think it's about what all retarded a* rap songs are about. Easy to understand things for retarded people to bounce around to. I'm sorry everyone but rap has you all in an elusion that the artists are talented, cool, and imitatable. People as f*****g stupid as you all should take a real good look at what you let infect your ears for once and listen to music or do comething with yourselves with some substance. The song is about some stupid b*h sucking his d*k and then him screwing her after they get drunk and just to hear you people even attempt to put another twist on that is amazing to me. So keep listening to this dogshit and find yourself relating to getting drunk, having premarital s**, and pretending to be something you're not (to all you wiggers out there) until you absolutely can't stand yourselves. Then by that time you've wasted so much time you can't go back and are being struck with the fact you pissed your life away pretending to be the next trend follower's little guinea pig like so many people are. The reason rap is so popular is it's for stupid a* people who don't want to think about anything they do (ignorance) and just f*k off and be incredibly unproductive. Oh yeah my bad a huge role of selfishness is in there somewhere I really can't recall from all the songs about them being rich and the f*****g morons buying their music (You) are making them rich. But these people aren't offended, s*t they bounce around and absolutely love it. You f*****g retards amaze me and every rap song I hear I just laugh to myself at how similar to sheep you all can be herded. Spread this message and wake the f*k up to the actual world and not television or music.
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