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+ 1
I'm no beauty queen.
I'm just beautiful me
This also means that, whether it's physical or inner beauty, they're not trying to be this or that type of person for any reason; it's just them. They're wearing, so to speak, no cosmetics.
+ 3
This is one of the most beautiful melancholic love songs I've ever heard, and I first heard it in a Riker/Troi video (I'm a Star Trek fan and I love Will Riker and Deanna Troi). It's must-hear for anyone and everyone, I'll say. I don't see any hidden meaning. Maybe the "come out of the shade/into the sun" part; I think the singer is suggesting that the woman. Oh! How do I explain? That the woman give a relationship between them a chance/second chance/another chance, so to speak. It's really beautiful. And the scene in "Star Trek: Insurrection" where Riker asks Deanna if they could fix a mistake they made and reconvene is what comes to my mind when I hear it. This song and that scene are a perfect match, you can't possibly misunderstand the message.
+ 2
I think this is one example of songs that glorify adultery - "I'd no more love just one kind 'o woman than drink only one kind 'o wine" - and the melody (and with the way it is sung) sorta conceals it. Just because a song sounds pleasant or good doesn't mean it is, because lyrics are a major factor in what song is good. As for "the stare" and "the hunger" (if you're a religious person), Jesus said that a person who keeps on looking at another who isn't his/her spouse longingly or lustfully has already committed adultery in his/her heart. I can't believe I grew up listening to this song and actually liking it, because I always had the Bible's viewpoint on adultery.
+ 1
You're the light, you're the night
You're the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
The third line suggests that he's her only cure, be it emotional or mental. It also suggests only he can cause her pain.
+ 4
This is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. I first heard this when I was 7, and I thought it was a romantic love song. I found it again in 2012 or 2013, and I realized that it was talking about how parents should appreciate and love their children while still young. I think every parent should hear it and think about it. Don't expect or demand from your offspring to behave or think like a teen or an adult; let them grow with age, while appreciating the short time you have with them. Be the kind of parent you had or wished you had; be your child's best friend, teacher, counselor, etc., you're more than a parent, after all. You should want them to remember you as someone (fill in the blank yourself). Remember that your actions affect them.
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